Welcome to Camp Cope-A-Lot!

Set Up:

Before using the program with a child, we recommend that the adult who will serve as the “coach” for the child user reads the full Coach's Manual.

Click on the button below to download or print the Coach’s Manual:

Print Coach’s Manual

You will also need one “Go-To-Gadget” or child workbook for each child who will be working through the Camp Cope-A-Lot program. The Go-To-Gadget includes review activities and will be where the skills practice (called “Totem Pole Challenges”) will be planned and recorded by the child (with coach assistance).

Click on the button below to download or print a Go-To-Gadget:

Print Go-To-Gadget

The main menu of the Camp Cope-A-Lot program is shown as the camp map. Clicking on the red box will open the content for that area.

  • “Bulletin Board” Access all Levels
  • “The Waterfall” Relaxation Area
  • “Totem Pole Forest” FEAR Plan Review

You are ready to Get Started:

When you are ready to begin using the program with a child:

1. Click on “Bulletin Board” area of the camp map.

2. Start Level 1 by clicking on “Welcome to Camp Cope-A-Lot.”

3. We recommend completing one Level per week, and proceeding in order. After completing a Level, return to the bulletin board and click on the next Level to keep progressing. There are 12 Levels in all.

4. You can visit the Waterfall and Fear Plan Review areas at any time throughout your work with the child and even after the Levels have been completed. You can also access all levels at any time. These areas offer an opportunity to review key skills from the program.

If you need any assistance while using the program,
feel free to contact us at: support-wcl@datacoresystems.com.

We hope you find the experience valuable and enjoyable! Good Luck!